vincent's Blog



yum --enablerepo=epel -y install pwgen

pwgen -h
Usage: pwgen [ OPTIONS ] [ pw_length ] [ num_pw ]

Options supported by pwgen:
-c or --capitalize
Include at least one capital letter in the password
-A or --no-capitalize
Don't include capital letters in the password
-n or --numerals
Include at least one number in the password
-0 or --no-numerals
Don't include numbers in the password
-y or --symbols
Include at least one special symbol in the password
-s or --secure
Generate completely random passwords
-B or --ambiguous
Don't include ambiguous characters in the password
-h or --help
Print a help message
-H or --sha1=path/to/file[#seed]
Use sha1 hash of given file as a (not so) random generator
Print the generated passwords in columns
Don't print the generated passwords in columns
-v or --no-vowels
Do not use any vowels so as to avoid accidental nasty words

aecei1Ae Jeb1zool ka9dieHe zahy3ieK Eiphiy3u ahche6uH Quoop1ze aipahWo3
Tahfong8 iuXahb6u Ahge7que ieHah6oo pieT8re9 aeph3ieH ieNg0Po6 xie0Shae
ahfab0Ua zooQu0ei YeeTh2Ei aeTahko6 geir9Awe ubo7ahNg xiphaCe7 ooV5euku
Food4aix Ta3boh3b Rohseeg9 ahshi4eR omiu4Ash Un5chaka afaK0iem Vai4Eesh
eeM9baxi ohHabae4 iequ1Cie qua1Raey reiPhiu4 uxohn1Di oob7su6J ixeis0Oo
Sof6ooqu aeW1ueS8 Moh1uSh9 ui8Lah8t iu6JaeFa Go1Beeze aeJ9toog eiwoY8eN
Op8eeC4v Choofo2R Cee3oosh paeN4uve Gae1ahsh Roh3iu8u doh0ieJe PheeHee8
vaeCoo4u Ahch4moh GeeCuu2l yeem4soB uheiT7uu so2aiM2t Ze3aaw2n Ca8chahb
Roht0Te6 Yiz6dai0 ouY2imah OhCh0ohv ooCie6oo Aeshae7o iqu4WaeH zei4de9B
ieR4OGoo Chahngi1 ozohj8Oh Loos0Ash Eiwe6ies Ohph7uth Pho6ahxe Wu8mooph
Jo3eerae aiNe4xei TheH5uu5 Diejiv3l uix5ZohC Eemei1th aiW9ilio ohN3Thee
sahZah7u eiPh8Phi Vush8ich Yegha0ph Chae2Sah Heep3va7 Thah1kai aiCaeS8u
uX8vahru Coh8vohh Ujoo0ahm okaeb2Ka QuieQu4k eeN2ahxi ahK1quie neiC8iju
ua6Il3az ahx5nuSh yoof3Oa2 pheiG4ey phi2thaT ievo2Gai Wae9izee aveip2uG
eeGiot6w Sohgi4iu Hi8li7Ei eeGaveu5 ziepha3E Ohdio6ae gaedeu3N doa7Aidi
xaC7uti5 uujaiG6l ahPei0bi nie7mo7O Ahy5eQuo Wo1ohgha aothuQu1 ooSoo9ph
uag6aSap xie1baeB Luwie2re Sha6boot ahthah7E Uo1xoo2f Ig6Coh6O WaeLak4B
ul2Choh8 aiC8ieko Xei0ZeeF eo9Culi0 ki2Hi0Oo Eeme9wei aoX4oosi Sish6ooh
ziey4ieP FooK1dei kaeNgie7 Ucaequ9u Chuam8qu aePh2xai xeinoZ1t auleil7A
kee5Ooza wei2uBi0 jeo3jooD eiVohl3a guaCh5oa oov5ca9O ohFai8Ie tais9Eim


python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("test", crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_SHA512)))'
python -c 'import crypt; print(crypt.crypt("#t5&estwwwhh777x", crypt.mksalt(crypt.METHOD_CRYPT)))'

3. SSL

echo "12345" | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pass pass:tecmint
echo "12345" | openssl enc -aes-256-ecb -a -salt -pass pass:tecmint

echo 12345 | sha512sum

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