vincent's Blog


09/11/2012 01:11:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"UPDATE host_snmp_cache SET present=0 WHERE host_id='14897' AND snmp_query_id='1''
09/11/2012 01:11:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"INSERT INTO host_snmp_cache (host_id, snmp_query_id, field_name, field_value, snmp_index, oid, present) VALUES (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '1', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '2', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '3', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '4', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '5', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '6', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '7', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIndex', '8', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Up', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Up', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Down', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Up', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Down', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Down', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Down', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifOperStatus', 'Down', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'lo', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'eth0', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'eth1', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'eth2', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'eth3', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'eth4', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'eth5', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifDescr', 'sit0', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'lo', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'eth0', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'eth1', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'eth2', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'eth3', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'eth4', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'eth5', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifName', 'sit0', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifAlias', '', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'softwareLoopback', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'ethernetCsmacd', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'ethernetCsmacd', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'ethernetCsmacd', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'ethernetCsmacd', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'ethernetCsmacd', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'ethernetCsmacd', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifType', 'tunnel', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '10000000', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '1000000000', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '10000000', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '1000000000', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '10000000', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '10000000', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '10000000', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifSpeed', '0', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', '', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', 'D4:BE:D9:A9:0C:D3', '2', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', 'D4:BE:D9:A9:0C:D5', '3', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', 'D4:BE:D9:A9:0C:D7', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', 'D4:BE:D9:A9:0C:D9', '5', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', '00:10:18:B4:D2:DC', '6', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', '00:10:18:B4:D2:DE', '7', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifHwAddr', '', '8', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIP', '', '4', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIP', '', '1', '.', 1), (14897, 1, 'ifIP', '', '2', '.', 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field_value=VALUES(field_value), oid=VALUES(oid), present=VALUES(present)'
09/11/2012 01:11:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"DELETE FROM host_snmp_cache WHERE host_id='14897' AND snmp_query_id='1' AND present='0''
09/11/2012 01:11:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"UPDATE poller_reindex SET present=0 WHERE host_id='14897' AND data_query_id='1''
09/11/2012 01:11:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"INSERT INTO poller_reindex (host_id, data_query_id, action, op, assert_value, arg1, present) VALUES ('14897', '1',0, '<', '240283256', '.', '1') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE action=VALUES(action), op=VALUES(op), assert_value=VALUES(assert_value), present=VALUES(present)' 09/11/2012 01:11:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1054', SQL:"DELETE FROM poller_reindex WHERE host_id='14897' AND data_query_id='1' AND present='0''

Manual add column name "present" to 2 table (poller_reindex,host_snmp_cache)


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